Operational Management of Swiss Needle Cast in Douglas-fir
Workshop held on November 17, 2010
Sponsored by:
The Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative,
Oregon State University and
Western Forestry and Conservation Association
Presentations (click on the title to view in .pdf form):
Introduction to The Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative- Dave Shaw, Director, Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative (SNCC), and Oregon State University, Department of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management, Corvallis, OR
How Do I Know if I Have SNC in My Stands?- Dave Shaw
Swiss Needle Cast Distribution in Oregon and Aerial Survey Trends, 1996-2010- Alan Kanaskie, Oregon Department of Foresty, Salem, OR and Greg Filip, USDA Forest Service, Forest Health Protection, Portland, OR
How SNC Infects Douglas-fir Trees and Stand Conditions Favorable to SNC Infections- Jeff Stone, Oregon State University, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, and Dan Luoma, Oregon State University, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Corvallis, OR
Impact of SNC on Stand Growth and a Synthesis of Silvicultural Treatments for Mitigating Swiss Needle Cast -Doug Maguire and Doug Mainwaring, Oregon State University, Department of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management, Corvallis, OR (Mainwaring presentation)
The Economic and Market Impacts of Swiss Needle Cast- Darius Adams and Greg Latta, Oregon State University, Department of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management, Corvallis, OR
Cooperative Tree Improvement Efforts to Develop Swiss Needle Cast Tolerant Douglas-fir Sources- Keith Jayawickrama, Director, Northwest Tree Improvement Cooperative, Oregon State University, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Corvallis, OR
How Private Landowners are Managing for Swiss Needle Cast
- Beth Fitch, Hampton Resources, Astoria, OR
- Joh Wehage and Roger Van Dyke, Stimson Lumber, Forest Grove, OR
The Use of the Stand Growth Assessment Tool for Determining Growth Impacts of SNC in Your Stand- Doug Mainwaring