Introducing NEXANON!


What is it??

NEXANON is an SMC ORGANON-based tree-level growth and yield model Developed by David Hann and the Center for Intensive Planted-forest Silviculture (CIPS) at Oregon State University. It differs from the the SMC ORGANON model only when projecting stands with Swiss needle cast. NEXANON source code includes a method of accounting for tree height and height increment in SNC-infected stands that helps keep growth loss estimates consistent between tree-level projections and the stand-level analysis.


Downloading NEXANON:

There are essentially two component parts that need to be downloaded: a zipfile containing the NEXANON source code and accompanying files, and the raster data. There is also a short pdf with tips on configuring R and the necessary R packages. 


1. Download the zipfile containing the NEXANON user's manual, source codes, DLL files, and R packages here: NEXANON


2. Notes on downloading NEXANON and packages in R can be found here: Notes on NEXANON


3. The raster files used to estimate Swiss needle cast are prohibitively large (collectively ~3GB) to be download directly from the SNCC website. To obtain these files, please contact the Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative (contact info below). Note that NEXANON can estimate Swiss needle cast without the raster files but only by manually inputting foliage retention. 


Adam Carson
