
Displaying 101 - 145 of 145 Publications


Blada I.  1988.  Testarea rezistentei unor clone de duglas verde la Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii. Revista Padurilor. 103:48-49.


Stone J.K., Caroll G.. 1987.  Observations of the development of ascocarps in Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii and on the possible existance of an anamorphic state. Sydowia. 38


Manley B.  1985.  Growth loss of Douglas-fir associated with Phaeocryptopus in Kaingaroa Forest. Management Policy for Douglas-fir, Workshop.


Michaels E., Chastagner G.A.. 1984.  Distribution, severity and impact of Swiss needle cast in Douglas-fir Christmas trees in western Washington and Oregon. Plant Disease. 939
Michaels E., Chastagner G.A.. 1984.  Seasonal availability of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii ascospores and conditions that influence their release. Plant Disease. 68
Stoodley M.A., Hood I.A.. 1984.  Distribution of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii on Douglas-fir in a New Zealand forest. Australasian Plant Pathology. 13


Chastagner G.A., Byther R.S.. 1983.  Control of Swiss needle cast on Douglas-fir Christmas trees with aerial applications of chlorothalonil. Plant Disease. 67:790-792.
Chastagner G.A., Byther R.S.. 1983.  Infection period of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii on Douglas-fir needles in western Washington. Plant Disease. 67:811-813.


Hadfield J., Douglas B.. 1982.  Protection of Douglas-fir Christmas trees from Swiss needle cast in Oregon. American Christmas Tree Journal. 26:31-33.
Hood I.A.. 1982.  Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii on Pseudotsuga menziesii in southern British Columbia. New Zealand Journal of Forest Science. 12:415-424.
Marks G.C., Fuhrer B.A., Walters E.M.. 1982.  Swiss needle cast of Douglas-fir. Tree Diseases in Victoria (Forests Commission Victoria Handbook No. 1). :44-45.


Russell K.. 1981.  Swiss needle cast in Douglas-fir.
Skilling D.D.. 1981.  Control of Swiss needle cast in Douglas-fir. American Christmas Tree Journal. 25


Hood I.A., Sandberg C.J.. 1979.  Changes within tree crowns following thinning of young Douglas-fir infected by Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii. New Zealand Journal of Forest Science. 9:177-184.
Hood I.A., Van Der Pas J.B.. 1979.  Fungicidal control of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii infection in a 19-year-old Douglas-fir stand. New Zealand Journal of Forest Science. 9:272-283.


Fatuga B.A.. 1978.  The epidemiology of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii (Rohde) Petrak (Swiss needle cast) on Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) and its control in western Washington. M.S.:139.
James R.N.. 1978.  Discussion on decline in growth. A review of Douglas-fir in New Zealand. FRI Symposium No. 15.


Hood I.A.. 1977.  Inoculation experiments with Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii on Douglas-fir seedlings. New Zealand Journal of Forest Science. 7:77-82.


Bergdahl D.R., French D.W.. 1976.  Swiss needle cast of Douglas-fir in Minnesota. Plant Disease Reporter. 60
Marks G.C., Pederick L.A.. 1976.  Sensitivity of Douglas-fir provenances to Swiss needle cast disease. Phaecryptopus gaeumannii on Psuedotsuga menziesii.


Hood I.A., Kershaw D.J.. 1975.  Distribution and infection period of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Forest Science. 5:201-208.
McKimm R.J.. 1975.  The distribution and effects on tree growth pf Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii.
Pederick L.A., Marks G.C.. 1975.  Swiss needle cast of Douglas-fir in Victoria II. Variation in the resistance of provenances.. :8p..


Bruce D., DeMars D.J.. 1974.  Volume equations for second-growth Douglas-fir.


Merrill W., Longenecker J.. 1973.  Swiss needle cast on Douglas-fir in Pennsylvania. Plant Disease Reporter. 57


Chen ZC.  1972.  Adelopus [Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii] needle cast disease of Douglas-fir in central New York. Taipei Nat Taiwan University Forest Experiment Station Technical Bulletin. 103


Ford K.F., Morton H.L.. 1971.  Etiology, impact, and distribution of Swiss needle cast of Douglas-fir in Michigan. Phytopathology. 61
Hood I.A., Wilcox M.D.. 1971.  Variation in susceptibility to chlorosis and needle cast associated with Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii infection in an 11-year-old Douglas-fir provenance trial.


Morton H.L., Patton R.F.. 1970.  Swiss needle cast of Douglas-fir in the Lake States. Plant Disease Reporter. 54


Stefanelli A.. 1963.  The Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii infection in Douglas-fir in the province of Udine. Monto e Boschi. 14


Peace T.R.. 1962.  Pathology of trees and shrubs, with special reference to Britain.


Durrieu G.. 1957.  Influence du climat sur la biologie de Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii (Rohde) Petrak parasite du Psuedotsuga. Comptes Rendus de ’Academie des Sciences Paris. 244:2183-2185.


Ferre Y.  1955.  Les Pseudotsuga del l’Arboretum de Joueou et leur resistance au Phaeocryptopus. Trav. Lab for Toulouse. 6


Merkle R.. 1951.  Ueber die Douglasien-Vorkommen and die Ausbreitung der Adelopus-Nadelschutte in Württemberg-Hohenzollern. Allgemeine Forest- und Jagd-Zeitung. 122


Holm F.. 1944.  The Swiss leaf-cast of Douglas-fir (Douglasiens Sodskimmel). Dansk Skovforeningens Tidsskrift. 25


Boyce J.S.. 1940.  A needle-cast of Douglas-fir associated with Adelopus gaeumannii. Phytopathology. 30
Buchwald N.F.. 1940.  Should new Douglas-fir plantings be established at the moment? Dansk Skovforenings Tidsskrift, Copenhagen. 25:521-527.


McCormick F.A.. 1939.  Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii on Douglas-fir in Connecticut. Plant Disease Reporter. 23
Meinecke E.P.. 1939.  The Adelopus needle cast of Douglas-fir on the Pacific coast. :6p..


Liese J.. 1938.  Zur frage des weiteren anbaues der Douglasie in Deutschland unter Berücksichtigung der Adelopus-nadelschütte. Mitteilungen der deutschen dendrologischen gesellschaft. 51:212-218.
Petrak F.. 1938.  Beitrage zur systematik und phylogenie der gattung Phaeocryptopus naumov. Ann. Mycol.. 36


Rohde T.. 1937.  Über die "Schweizer"Douglasienschütte und ihren vermuteten Erreger Adelopus spec.. Mitt. Forstwirt. und Forstwiss. 24
Steiner H.. 1937.  Adelopus balsamicola (Peck) Theiss. F. Douglasii als erreger einer schutterekrankung der Douglastanne. Ztschr Pflanzenkr. 47


Rohde T.. 1936.  Adelopus gauemannii n. sp. und die von ihm hervorgerunfene "Scheizer"Douglasienschüt. Forst Woch Silva. 24


Gaeumann E.  1930.  Ueber eine neue Krankheit der Dougalsien. Schweiz Z. Forstwes. 81:63-67.