
Displaying 1 - 100 of 145 Publications


Lan Y-H, Shaw D.C., Lee E.H., Beedlow P.A.. 2022.   Distribution of a foliage disease fungus within canopies of mature Douglas-fir in western Oregon. Frontiers In Forests And Global Change. DOI
Lee E.H., Beedlow P.A., Brooks J.R., Tingey D.T., Wickham C., Rugh W.  2022.  Physiological responses of Douglas-fir to climate and forest disturbances as detected by cellulosic carbon and oxygen isotope ratios. Tree Physiology. 42(1):5–25. DOI


Hennon P.E., Frankel S.J., Woods A.J., Worrall J.J., Ramsfield T.D., Zambino P.J., Shaw D.C., Ritóková G, Warwell M.V., Norlander D et al.. 2021.  Applications of a conceptual framework to assess climate controls of forest tree diseases. Forest Pathology. 51(6):e12719. DOI
Lee E.H., Beedlow P.A., Waschmann R.S., Cline S., Bollman M., Wickham C., Testa N.  2021.  Tree-ring history of Swiss needle cast impact on Douglas-fir growth in Western Oregon: correlations with climatic variables. Journal of Plant Science and Phytopathology. DOI
Ritóková G, Mainwaring D.B., Shaw D.C., Lan Y-H.  2021.  Douglas-fir foliage retention dynamics across a gradient of Swiss needle cast in Oregon and Washington. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 51(4) DOI
Shaw D.C., Ritóková G, Lan Y-H, Mainwaring D.B., Russo A, Comeleo R.L., Navarro S, Norlander D, Smith B.  2021.  Persistence of the Swiss Needle Cast Outbreak in Oregon Coastal Douglas-fir, and New Insights from Research and Monitoring. Journal of Forestry. 119(4):407–421. DOI


Bennett P, Stone J.K.. 2019.  Environmental variables associated with Nothophaeocryptopus gaeumannii population structure and Swiss needle cast severity in Western Oregon and Washington. Ecology and Evolution. 9(19):11379-11394. DOI | PDF
Bladon KD, Bywater-Reyes S, LeBoldus JM, Keriö S, Segura C, Ritóková G, Shaw D.C.. 2019.  Increased streamflow in catchments affected by a forest disease epidemic. Science of The Total Environment. 691:112-123. DOI | PDF
Lan Y-H, Shaw D.C., Beedlow P.A., Lee E.H., Waschmann R.S.. 2019.  Severity of Swiss needle cast in young and mature Douglas-fir forests in western Oregon, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. 442:79-95. DOI | PDF
Lan Y-H, Shaw D.C., Ritóková G, Hatten J.  2019.  Associations between Swiss Needle Cast Severity and Foliar Nutrients in Young-Growth Douglas-Fir in Coastal Western Oregon and Southwest Washington, USA. Forest Science. fxz022 DOI | PDF


Agne M.C., Beedlow P.A., Shaw D.C., Woodruff D.R., Lee E.H., Cline S., Comeleo R.L.. 2018.  Interactions of predominant insects and diseases with climate change in Douglas-fir forests of western Oregon and Washington, U.S.A.. Forest Ecology and Management. 409:317-332. DOI
Bennett P, Hood I.A., Stone J.K.. 2018.  The Genetic Structure of Populations of the Douglas-Fir Swiss Needle Cast Fungus Nothophaeocryptopus gaeumannii in New Zealand. Phytopathology. 109(3):446-455. DOI | PDF
Ritóková G, Shaw D.C., Lan S, Hatten J, Comeleo R.L.. 2018.  Needle retention in Oregon Coast Range Douglas-fir plantations across elevational and disease severity gradients.


Lee E.H., Beedlow P.A., Waschmann R.S., Tingey D.T., Cline S., Bollman M., Wickham C., Carlile C.. 2017.  Regional patterns of increasing Swiss needle cast impacts on Douglas-fir growth with warming temperatures. Ecology and Evolution. 7:11167–11196. DOI
Wilhelmi N.P., Shaw D.C., Harrington C.A., Clair J.B.St., Ganio L.M.. 2017.  Climate of seed source affects susceptibility of coastal Douglas-fir to foliage diseases. Ecosphere. 8:e02011. DOI


Bennett P, Stone J.  2016.  Assessments of Population Structure, Diversity, and Phylogeography of the Swiss Needle Cast Fungus (Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii) in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Forests. 7,14
Boderck M.  2016.  Incidence and Severity of Swiss Needle Cast in the Coast Forest of Western Washington: Examining Climatic Correlation. Master of Environmental Studies
Ritóková G, Shaw D.C., Filip G.M., Kanaskie A., Browning J, Norlander D.  2016.  Swiss Needle Cast in Western Oregon Douglas-Fir Plantations: 20-Year Monitoring Results. Forests. 7 DOI


Ritóková G, Kanaskie A., Shaw D.C.. 2015.  Intensification of the Swiss Needle Cast foliage disease epidemic along the coasts of Oregon and Washington States.
Zhao J, Maguire D.A., Mainwaring D.B., Kanaskie A.. 2015.  The effect of within-stand variation in Swiss needle cast intensity on Doulgas-fir stand dynamics. Forest Ecology and Management. 347:75-82.


Luoma D.L., Eberhart J.L.. 2014.  Relationships between Swiss needle cast and ectomycorrhizal fungus diversity. Mycologia. 106:666-675.
Mainwaring D.B., Maguire D.A., Perakis S.S.. 2014.  Three-year growth response of young Douglas-fir to nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, and blended fertilizers in Oregon and Washington. Forest Ecology and Management. 327:178–188. DOI
Saffell B.J., Meinzer F.C., Voelker S.L., Shaw D.C., Brooks J.R., Lachenbruch B., McKay J.. 2014.  Tree-ring stable isotopes record the impact of a foliar fungal pathogen on CO2 assimilation and growth in Douglas-fir. Plant, Cell, and Environment. DOI
Saffell B.J., Meinzer F.C., Woodruff D.R., Shaw D.C., Voelker S.L., Lachenbruch B., Falk K.. 2014.  Seasonal carbohydrate dynamics and growth in Douglas-fir trees experiencing chronic, fungal-mediated reduction in functional leaf area. Tree Physiology. DOI
Shaw D.C., Woolley T., Kanaskie A.. 2014.  Vertical Foliage Retention in Douglas-Fir Across Environmental Gradients of the Western Oregon Coast Range Influenced by Swiss Needle Cast. Northwest Science. 88(1):23-32. DOI |
Zhao J, Maguire D.A., Mainwaring D.B., Kanaskie A.. 2014.  Western hemlock growth response to increasing intensity of Swiss needle cast on Douglas-fir: changes in the dynamics of mixed-species stands. Forestry. 87:697–704. DOI
Zhao J, Maguire D.A., Mainwaring D.B., Wehage J, Kanaskie A.. 2014.  Thinning Mixed-Species Stands of Douglas-Fir and Western Hemlock in the Presence of Swiss Needle Cast: Guidelines Based on Relative Basal Area Growth of Individual Trees. Forest Science. 60(1)


Lee E.H., Beedlow P.A., Waschmann R.S., Burdick C.A., Shaw D.C.. 2013.  Tree-ring analysis of the fungal disease Swiss needle cast in western Oregon coastal forests. Can. J. For. Res. 43:677–690.
Mulvey R.L., Shaw D.C., Maguire D.A.. 2013.  Fertilization impacts on Swiss needle cast disease severity in Western Oregon. Forest Ecology and Management. 287:147-158.


Jayawickrama K.J.S., Shaw D.C., Ye T.Z.. 2012.  Genetic Selection in Coastal Douglas-fir for tolerance to Swiss Needle Cast Disease.. Proceedings of the fourth international workshop on the genetics of host-parasite interactions in forestry: Disease and insect resistance in forest trees. :372p. PDF
Zhao J, Maguire D.A., Mainwaring D.B., Kanaskie A.. 2012.  Climatic influences on needle cohort survival mediated by Swiss needle cast in coastal Douglas-fir. Trees. 26:1361-1371.


Kimberley M.O., Hood I.A., Knowles R.L.. 2011.  Impact of Swiss needle cast on growth of Douglas-fir. Phytopathology. 101:583-593.
Maguire D.A., Mainwaring D.B., Kanaskie A.. 2011.  Ten-year growth and mortality in young Douglas-fir stands experiencing a range in Swiss needle cast severity. Can. J. For. Res.. 41:2064–2076.
Shaw D.C., Filip G.M., Kanaskie A., Maguire D.A., Littke W.. 2011.  Managing an epidemic of Swiss needle cast in the Douglas-fir region of Oregon: The Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative. Journal of Forestry. 109:109-119.
Watt M.S., Stone J.K., Hood I.A., Manning L.K.. 2011.  Using a climatic niche model to predict the direct and indirect impacts of climate change on the distribution of Douglas-fir in New Zealand. Global Change Biology. 17:3608–3619. DOI
Zhao J, Mainwaring D.B., Maguire D.A., Kanaskie A.. 2011.  Regional and annual trends in Douglas-fir foliage retention: Correlations with climatic variables. Forest Ecology and Management. 262:1872-1886.


Black D.A., Shaw D.C., Stone J.K.. 2010.  Impacts of Swiss needle cast on overstory Douglas-fir forests of the western Oregon Coast Range. Forest Ecology and Management. 259:1673-1680.
Watt M.S., Stone J.K., Hood I.A., Palmer D.J.. 2010.  Predicting the severity of Swiss needle cast on Douglas-fir under current and future climate in New Zealand. Forest Ecology and Management. 260:2232-2240.


Stone J.K., Capitano B.R., Kerrigan J.L.. 2008.  The histopathology of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii on Douglas-fir needles. Mycologia. 100:431-444.
Stone J.K., Coop L.B., Manter D.K.. 2008.  Predicting effects of climate change on Swiss needle cast disease severity in Pacific Northwest forests. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 30:169-176.
Weiskittel A.R., Temesgen H., Wilson D.S., Maguire D.A.. 2008.  Sources of within and between-stand variability in specific leaf area of three ecologically distinct conifer species. Annals of Forest Science. 65:103.
Younger N.L., Temesgen H., Garber S.M.. 2008.  Taper and volume responses of Douglas-fir to sulfur treatments for control of Swiss needle cast in the Coast Range of Oregon. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 23:142-148.


Osorio O.M.. 2007.  Detection of the needle cast fungus Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii in plantations of Pseudotsuga menziesii in Valdivia, Chile. Bosque. 28:69.
Shelbourne C.J.A., Low C.B., Gea L.D., Knowles R.L.. 2007.  Achievements in forest tree genetic improvement in Australia and New Zealand: Genetic improvement of Douglas-fir in New Zealand. Australian Forestry. 70:28.
Stone J.K., Hood I.A., Watt M.S., Kerrigan J.L.. 2007.  Distribution of Swiss needle cast in New Zealand in relation to winter temperature. Australasian Plant Pathology. 36:445-454.
Stone J.K., Reeser P.W., Kanaskie A.. 2007.  Fungicidal suppression of Swiss needle cast and pathogen reinvasion in a 20-year-old Douglas-fir stand in Oregon. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 22:248-252.
Weiskittel A.R., Garber S.M., Johnson G.P., Maguire D.A., Monserud R.A.. 2007.  Annualized diameter and height growth equations for Pacific Northwest plantation-grown Douglas-fir, western hemlock, and red alder. Forest Ecology and Management. 250:266-278.
Weiskittel A.R., Maguire D.A., Monserud R.A.. 2007.  Modeling crown structural responses to competing vegetation control, thinning, fertilization, and Swiss needle cast in coastal Douglas-fir of the Pacific Northwest, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. 245:96-109.
Weiskittel A.R., Maguire D.A., Monserud R.A.. 2007.  Response of branch growth and mortality to silvicultural treatments in coastal Douglas-fir plantations: Implications for predicting tree growth. Forest Ecology and Management. 251:182-194.
Weiskittel A.R., Maguire D.A.. 2007.  Response of Douglas-fir leaf area index and litterfall dynamics to Swiss needle cast in north coastal Oregon, USA. Annals of Forest Science. 64:121-132.
Winton L.M., Stone J.K., Hansen E.M.. 2007.  Polymorphic microsatellite markers for the Douglas-fir pathogen Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii, causal agent of Swiss needle cast disease. Molecular Ecology. 7:1125-1128.
Winton L.M., Stone J.K., Hansen E.M.. 2007.  The systematic position of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii. Mycologia. 99:240-252.


Kerrigan J., Stone J.K.. 2006.  Factors affecting the spread of Swiss needle cast of Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest. Phytopathology. 96
Weiskittel A.R., Maguire D.A., Garber S.M., Kanaskie A.. 2006.  Influence of Swiss needle cast on foliage age class structure and vertical distribution in Douglas fir plantations of north coastal Oregon. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 36:1497-1508.
Weiskittel A.R., Maguire D.A.. 2006.  Branch surface area and its vertical distribution in coastal Douglas-fir. Trees. 20:657-667.
Winton L.M., Hansen E.M., Stone J.K.. 2006.  Population structure suggests reproductively isolated lineages of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii. Mycologia. 98:781-791.


Grotta A.T., Leichti R.J., Gartner B.L., Johnson G.R.. 2005.  Effect of growth ring orientation and placement of earlywood and latewood on MOE and MOR of very-small clear Douglas-fir beams. Wood and Fiber Science. 37:207-212.
Hood I.A., Kimberley M.O.. 2005.  Douglas-fir provenance susceptibility to Swiss needle cast in New Zealand. Australasian Plant Pathology. 34:57-62.
Johnson G.R., Grotta A.T., Gartner B.L., Downes G.. 2005.  Impact of the foliar pathogen Swiss needle cast on wood quality of Douglas-fir. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 35:331-339.
Mainwaring D.B., Maguire D.A., Kanaskie A., Brandt J.. 2005.  Growth responses to commercial thinning in Douglas-fir stands with varying intensity of Swiss needle cast. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 35:2394-2402.
Manter D.K., Reeser P.W., Stone J.K.. 2005.  A climate-based model for predicting geographic variation in Swiss needle cast severity in the Oregon Coast Range. Phytopathology. 95:1256-1265.
Perakis S.S., Maguire D.A., Bullen T.D., Cromack K., Waring R.H., Boyle J.R.. 2005.  Coupled nitrogen and calcium cycles in forests of the Oregon Coast Range. Ecosystems. 8:1-12.
Temel F., Johnson G.R., Adams W.T.. 2005.  Early genetic testing of coastal Douglas-fir for Swiss needle cast tolerance. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 35:521-529.


El-Hajj Z, Kavanagh K, Rose C, Kanaan-Atallah Z.  2004.  Nitrogen and carbon dynamics of a foliar biotrophic fungal parasite in fertilized Douglas-fir. New Phytologist. 163:139-147.
Kelsey R.G., Manter D.K.. 2004.  Effect of Swiss needle cast on Douglas-fir stem ethanol and monoterpene concentrations, oleoresin flow, and host selection by the Douglas-fir beetle.. Forest Ecology and Management. 190:241-253.
Temel F., Johnson G.R., Stone J.K.. 2004.  The relationship between Swiss needle cast symptom severity and level of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii colonization in coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii). Forest Pathology. 34


Johnson G.R., Gartner B.L., Maguire D, Kanaskie A.. 2003.  Influence of Bravo fungicide applications on wood density and moisture content of Swiss needle cast affected Douglas-fir trees. Forest Ecology and Management. 186:339-348.
Manter D.K., Bond B.J., Kavanagh K.L., Stone J.K., Filip G.M.. 2003.  Modeling the impacts of the foliar pathogen, Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii, on Douglas-fir physiology: Net canopy carbon assimilation, needle abscission and growth. Ecological Modeling. 164:211-226.
Manter D.K., Kavanagh K.L.. 2003.  Stomatal regulation in Douglas-fir following a fungal-mediated chronic reduction in leaf area. Trees. 17:485-491.
Manter D.K., Winton L.M., Filip G.M., Stone J.K.. 2003.  Assessment of Swiss needle cast disease: Temporal and spatial investigations of fungal colonization and symptom severity. Phytopathology. 151:344-351.
Rosso P.H., Hansen E.M.. 2003.  Predicting Swiss needle cast disease distribution and severity in young Douglas-fir plantations in coastal Oregon. Phytopathology. 93:790-798.
Temel F., Stone J.K., Johnson G.R.. 2003.  First report of Swiss needle cast caused by Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii on Douglas-fir in Turkey. Plant Disease. 87:1536.
Weiskittel A.R.. 2003.  Alterations in Douglas-fir crown structure, morphology and dynamics imposed by Swiss needle cast disease in the Oregon Coast Range. M.S.
Winton L.M., Manter D.K., Stone J.K., Hansen E.. 2003.  Comparison of biochemical, molecular and visual methods to quantify Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii in Douglas-fir foliage. Phytopathology. 93:121-126.


Crane G.A.. 2002.  Effects of fertilization, vegetation control, and sulfur on Swiss needle cast and growth of coastal Douglas-fir saplings. M.S.
Johnson G.R.. 2002.  Genetic variation of Douglas-fir to Swiss needle cast as assessed by symptom expression.. Silvae Genetica. 51:80-86.
Maguire D.A., Kanaskie A., Voelker W., Johnson R., Johnson G.. 2002.  Growth of young Douglas-fir plantations across a gradient in Swiss needle cast severity. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 17:86-95.
Maguire D.A., Kanaskie A.. 2002.  The ratio of live crown length to sapwood area as a measure of crown sparseness. Forest Science. 48:93-100.
Manter D.K.. 2002.  Energy dissipation and photoinhibition in Douglas-fir needles with a fungal-mediated reduction in photosynthetic rates. Phytopathology. 150:674-679.
Temel F.. 2002.  Early testing of Douglas-fir for Swiss needle cast tolerance. PhD.
Winton L.M., Stone J.K., Watrud L.S., Hansen E.M.. 2002.  Simultaneous one-tube quantification of host and pathogen DNA with real-time polymerase chain reaction. Phytopathology. 92:112-116.


Kastner W., Dutton D., Roche D.. 2001.  Effects of Swiss needle cast on three Douglas-fir seed sources on a low-elevation site in the northern Oregon Coast Range: Results after five growing seasons. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 16:31-34.
Knowles L., Kimberley M.O., Hood I.A.. 2001.  Swiss needle cast disease of Douglas-fir - impact on growth. Forest Health News. 114:1-2.
Manter D.K., Kelsey R.G., Stone J.K.. 2001.  Quantification of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii colonization in Douglas-fir needles by ergosterol analysis. Forest Pathology. 31:229-240.
Rosso P.H.. 2001.  Distribution and prediction of Swiss needle cast of Douglas-fir in coastal Oregon. PhD
Winton L.M.. 2001.  Phylogenetics, population genetics, molecular epidemiology, and pathogenicity of the Douglas-fir Swiss needle cast pathogen Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii. PhD


Filip G.M., Kanaskie A., Kavanagh K, Johnson G., Johnson R., Maguire D.  2000.  Silviculture and Swiss needle cast: Research and Recommendations.
Hansen E.M., Stone J.K., Capitano B.R., Rosso P., Sutton W., Kanaskie A., McWilliams M.G.. 2000.  Incidence and impact of Swiss needle cast in forest plantations of Douglas-fir in coastal Oregon. Plant Disease. 84:773-779.
Manter D.K., Bond B.J., Kavanagh K.L., Rosso P.H., Filip G.M.. 2000.  Pseudothecia of Swiss needle cast fungus, Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii, physically block stomata of Douglas-fir, reducing CO2. New Phytologist. 2000:481-491.
Manter D.K.. 2000.  Physiological impacts of Swiss needle cast. PhD.
Waring R.H., Boyle J.R., Cromack, Jr. K., Maguire D.A., Kanaskie A.. 2000.  Researchers offer new insights into Swiss needle cast. Western Forester. 45:10.


Capitano B.R.. 1999.  The infection and colonization of Douglas-fir by Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii. M.S.


[Anonymous].  1998.  Swiss needle cast of Douglas-fir in coastal western Oregon. :8p..


Chastagner G.A.. 1997.  Christmas tree plantations. Compendium of Conifer Diseases. :88-89.
Hood I.A.. 1997.  Swiss needle cast. Compendium of Conifer Diseases. :55-56.


Kanaskie A., Johnson R., Hansen E.. 1996.  What’s troubling Douglas-fir? Swiss needle cast. Western Forester.


Osman K.A., Sharrow S.H.. 1993.  Growth response of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) to defoliation. Forest Ecology and Management. 60:105.


Hood I.A., Sandberg C.J., Barr C.W., Holloway W.A., Bradbury P.M.. 1990.  Changes in needle retention associated with the spread and establishment of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii infection in a 19-year-old Douglas-fir stand. European Journal of Forest Pathology. 20:418-429.


McDermott J.M., Robinson R.A.. 1989.  Provenance variation for disease resistance in Pseudotsuga menziesii to the Swiss needle cast pathogen, Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 19
Nelson E.E., Silen R.R., Mandel N.L.. 1989.  Effects of Douglas-fir parentage on Swiss needle cast expression. European Journal of Forest Pathology. 19